Article by David Beaulieu - The Spruce Make your Best Home

Buying a home is one thing but when it comes to decorating and making it your home, that's what makes homebuying even more special. This article written by David Beaulieu by The Spruce lists out 10 tips on how to better your landscaping. Everyone will have different opinions on these ideas rather it be because of budget, skills, the climate of your region, your personal design tastes, how you'll be using your yard, etc., but with these ideas it might just help you decide how and what you want your yard to look like.
Tip #1 Year Round Interest
Here's a can't-miss tip for beautifying your yard: make sure you're providing something of interest in each of the four seasons. Do-it-yourself landscaping for four-season interest begins with a well-researched plant-selection plan. The goal is to have flowering trees and/or shrubs throughout spring and summer, fall foliage in autumn, and good structure in winter.

Tip #2 Layer your Flower Beds
Layer your flower borders in three rows: a back row (facing north, preferably) with the tallest plants, a middle row with the next tallest, and a front row composed of your shortest plants. Use repetition, both in the planting bed and elsewhere in your yard, to provide unity.

Tip #3 Creating Continuity
Many DIY landscaping tips focus on deciduous trees and shrubs but don't forget evergreens and other plants prized as much or more for their foliage as for their flowers. The deciduous specimens provide more color and variety, while the evergreens will provide continuity.

Tip #4 Annuals Supplement Perennial Color
Perennial flowers are very appealing when plating the problem is that they only bloom for so long. Depending when you start planting and the area you live in they can start blooming as early as May then you wont get anything again till July. Incorporating annuals into your plan with avoid those empty spaces of no blooming and give you continuous color in your yard. Research types of flowers and when they tend to bloom to give you a better plan when starting.

Tip #5 Incorporating Hardship
Don't just focus on plants when creating your landscape but also include hardscape features too. Adding rock, concrete, or bricks for example will provide structure in the winter and make your plants stand out more. Walls and fences make an essential design statement as it helps frame your property. While decks and patios provide transitions from indoor to outdoors.

Tip #6 Install Water Features
Most people believe that this is a hard task but really its a lot easier than what you think. Most stores will have everything you need to get a fountain up in running in no time with little to no work. This type of trend includes features that are not only visually nice to look at but also give a nice relaxing sound.

Tip #7 Using Form and Texture
Plants have a characteristic of breaching pattern and foliage, varying its form and texture is one way to spice up your yard with diversity. Adding evergreen conifers could be a great option to create different forms and textures of your layout.
Tip #8 Make your Life Easier with a Low-Maintenance Yard
Unless you are ok with spending lots of time on maintenance for your yard planning for a low maintenance might be the best move! After all even if your yard is extremely nice, you'll resent it if it evolves a lot of work.
Check out article below from David more ideas for low Maintenance ideas.
Tip #9 Use Drought Resistant Plants
Many novices start with high hopes in spring, only to have them dried up in summer. As a beginner or someone who doesn't have much time for watering researching drought tolerant plants to grow might be the best move!
Tip #10 Types of Flowers
Carefully matching the types of flowers you'll be growing along with the space to grow is a fundamental policy. Understanding amount of light needed and soil requirements should always be considered before deciding which type of flowers to buy for your yard.

Remember doing research and creating a plan before starting will make your landscaping plans run a lot smoother.
Full article and more on link below!
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